

Consider putting together a checklist for yourself and a list of important information about your child, 家人和家帮你准备保姆.

当涉及到保姆时,保持谨慎是件好事, whether you're hiring someone new or enlisting the help of a seasoned nanny. See that your babysitter is prepared to take care of your children and equipped to handle emergency situations by providing them the right information.


  • Meet the babysitter and check references and training in advance.
  • Confirm the babysitter has had first aid training and knows CPR.
  • 为保姆准备一份紧急情况清单.
  • Consider setting up a visit to give the babysitter a tour of the house, 与孩子们见面,学习他们的日常生活.
  • 带保姆参观一下房子, 特别是急救箱, 灭火器s and other places related to your family’s emergency plan.


  • 儿童的医疗信息: Write down your child's medicine routine and where it’s stored, food or medication allergies and any other health issues with instructions on how to deal with them.
  • 孩子们晚上的安排: Children, 尤其是年轻人, might be less fussy if babysitters follow the family's usual routine. 让保姆知道大概的用餐时间, bedtimes and any other particulars about your child's schedule.
  • 任何需要做的家庭作业或家务: 无论是家庭作业, 运动或练习乐器, let your sitter know the expectations and tasks children may need to complete.
  • 孩子们的零食: Set out or make a list of appropriate snacks and what time your children may eat them.
  • 游戏、爱好或手工艺: Let the nanny know what your children like to do in their spare time.
  • 屏幕使用时间(平板电脑、手机、电脑、电视): 重新审视你的技术和规则 孩子们被允许看屏幕的时间是多少.
  • 孩子们照片: With social media being a part of most teens lives, let them know your viewpoint about 你孩子的照片被传到网上.
  • 游泳池: 如果你有 pool, let your sitter know if it's ok for them to swim while you are out. Make sure your sitter knows how to keep kids safe in and around pools and can 识别溺水的迹象.
  • 游乐设备及蹦床规则: Inform the sitter if the children, including their friends, are allowed to play on the 操场上 设备或使用 蹦床 当你不在的时候.
  • Never leave a child alone with a dog, including the family pet: Accidents can happen quickly and children can be bitten or injured when they are left alone with a dog. Supervising children around animals is an important step to reducing the risk of a 狗咬人. It would also be good to let the nanny know about any family pets and special 宠物可能有的需求、喂养或日常活动.
  • 特别行为建议: If you know your child has tantrums or can be unhappy when you leave, give the babysitter specific advice on what your child likes/dislikes that can help resolve the behavior.

What information should I tell a babysitter about my house?

  • 地址和座机号码(如果有的话): Operators will ask for this information if the sitter ever needs to contact emergency services. Along with the exact address, include the nearest cross streets or landmarks.
  • Safety: Show or remind the sitter where you keep the first-aid kit, 灭火器 和手电筒. 也指出出口可以作为 紧急逃生路线.
  • 重要的数字: Show the sitter where the important phone numbers are kept.
  • 安全的房间: 如果你有 天气安全舱 incidents, see that the sitter is aware of its location.
  • 会议地点: 检查 消防安全计划 with your sitter and the meeting place you taught your children.
  • 备用钥匙/门禁位置: 以防锁死, show the babysitter where the spare key is or an alternate method of entering the home safely.


  • 您的地点和日程安排: Write down the names and phone numbers of the place(s) you will be during the time you're away.
  • 联系信息: Give the sitter your cell number and keep your phone on. Also leave the name and number of a relative or close friend as backup.
  • 紧急号码: 为消防和警察部门提供电话号码, 中毒控制中心, 当地医院和你孩子的医生.
  • 预期来电或访客: 如果你在等人,告诉保姆. Otherwise, ask them not to answer the door or phone while you're away.


The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm® (including State Farm Mutual Automobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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