


What can you do when your rental story doesn't end happily ever after? Some ways to deal with common issues 和 get help for the big ones are listed below.


几乎在每个州,房客都有法律赋予的权利 安全宜居的家. That typically means l和lords are required to provide safe structural elements (like stairs 和 roofs), 冷热水和操作电器, 管道, 暖气及空调系统, 除此之外.

“如果你的健康或安全受到威胁, 联系一位律师,他可以告诉你你在这个州的权利, 你所在的县或城市,奥利维亚·斯托克说, 租客顾问 坚实的基础这是西雅图一家非营利性社区行动机构.1 你的选择可能包括 搬出去.

你对那滴水的水龙头没有什么追索权. 在某些州,你可以 自己动手修理在一定范围内从你的房租中扣除费用. Either way, your first step is to report the problem in writing to your l和lord. “如果我的公寓连续几天漏水, 如果我不马上告诉房东,可能会造成损失, 所以我想证明我在某一天告诉了我的房东,斯托克说.

她补充说,把每件事都记录下来. If your building uses paperwork orders for repairs, take a picture before turning one in. 作为额外的预防措施, email the photo to yourself so you have an extra time stamp you could use in a court of law.


确保你明白租约对你的限制 邻居. For example, t在这里 may be quiet hours 和 you can document violations of those guidelines. 除了, don't forget to politely ask for help in sharing walls 和 floors before turning to your l和lord: Your neighbor may not realize how much sound travels, 例如.


在与房东打交道时, it is wise to make a video when you move out to document that you left the space clean 和 that all locks 和 appliances are in working order. "You may need evidence to help tell your side of the story,斯托克说.

The good news: You might have more time than you think to recover a deposit. 在华盛顿州, 例如, if you have a written contract you can go to small-claims court 和 try to get your money back from a l和lord up to six years after you've moved out,斯托克说.


It is important to retain a copy of the signed agreement for your records. 之前 朝着 或者是租来的, walk through so you can take pictures or videos in the event you need verification in the future if you are facing an unfair l和lord or contemplating reporting your l和lord. It is best to contact your l和lord through a formal email if you need to use the communication as evidence should an issue need to be escalated. 如果你和房东通过电话,一定要跟进. 这可以通过发送一封总结对话的电子邮件来完成, 包括列出你们达成一致的决定.


L和lord 和 tenant issues can be resolved by keeping the lines of communication open. Build a positive relationship early by asking the right questions, prior to signing the lease. 中包含的内容 租赁协议他是谁? 负责维护 包括在 租金价格. Discuss the best way to address concerns clearly utilizing the most effective form of communication that works for you both. 这样可以避免将来遇到房东的麻烦.


If you are dealing with a difficult l和lord or have l和lord problems t在这里 are nonprofit agencies, advocate groups 和 legal organizations that offer free tenant assistance in every state. 美国.S. Department of Housing 和 Urban Development provides a link to the ones it has approved, 以及关于的详细信息 租客-房东法律和保护.

1 The information contained in this article or linked to the 坚实的基础 Tenant Services website is for informational purposes only. 坚实的基础不做任何声明, 对准确性的承诺或保证, completeness or adequacy of the information contained in or linked to its website. 坚实的基础不能做你的律师. 坚实的基础不作任何陈述, 明示或暗示, that the information contained in or linked to its website can or will be used or interpreted in any particular way by any governmental agency or court. As legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case 和 laws are constantly changing, nothing provided 在这里in should be used as a substitute for the advice of competent counsel.

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T在这里’s one ready to offer personalized service to fit your specific needs.



Tips to help choose accurate, appropriate limits for your personal property 和 liability coverage.


Make sure you ask the l和lord-tenant questions before signing a lease 和 朝着.


在房东调出你的信用报告之前, review it for potential errors or reported debts that can be paid to better your score.

怎样才能成为一个好房客? 保持你的租赁财产处于最佳状态

Taking care of your rental might allow for rent negotiations 和 more favorable terms of the lease.