
冰坝造成的冬季水害,阁楼凝结 & 更多的

Excessive 屋顶上的雪, condensation in the attic and ice buildup can cause roof & 水的损害和人身伤害.

防止漏水 or 修理洗衣机软管 在地下室可能很简单, 屋顶上的雪, ice dams and attic condensation are forms of water damage typical to cold climate homes and are a little 更多的 complicated and a little trickier to fix.

为什么你的屋顶上有太多的雪是一个问题? 什么是冰坝? 什么导致阁楼凝结?? 如果你有这些,你能做什么?


大量的冰和 屋顶上的雪 会造成严重的问题. 这些包括:

  • 从倾斜的屋顶上落下的冰雪造成的伤害.
  • 屋顶坍塌,尤指平屋顶.
  • 因烟囱和通风口堵塞而引起的一氧化碳中毒.
  • 在屋顶边缘和排水沟里形成的冰坝造成的水损害.


When the temperature in your attic is above freezing, 屋顶上的雪 will likely melt. 当融雪从屋顶流下,碰到较冷的屋檐时,就会重新结冰.

如果这个循环在几天内重复, 冰冻的融雪堆积起来,形成了一座冰坝, 在它后面,水变成了大水坑, 或“池塘”. The ponding water can then back up under the roof covering and leak into the attic or along exterior walls.

The right weather conditions for ice dams are usually when outside air temperatures are in the low 20s (°F) for several days with several inches of 屋顶上的雪.


在阁楼上,水蒸气在寒冷的表面上凝结会导致木材腐烂, 这可能导致昂贵的维修费用.

阁楼凝结通常发生在温暖的时候, 潮湿的空气从下面的生活空间迁移或直接进入阁楼. 研究 indicates unusually high humidity in the home's living spaces is strongly associated with attic condensation problems.


Recognize the signs of stress when too much snow and ice has accumulated on your roof or when you have too much condensation in your attic. 以下是一些需要注意的事情.

  • 下垂的山脊
  • 下垂的天花板
  • 内墙和天花板漏水
  • 了门
  • 靠近你家中心的内墙有裂缝
  • 吱吱作响的声音


Building codes have some requirements that attempt to prevent the problems of ice dams and attic condensation. But codes don't address all the issues, and many houses could have out of date building codes.

  • 浴室和厨房的排气扇, 还有烘干机通风口, 应该永远不要排放到阁楼空间,总是排放到外面吗. 你可能有一个通风良好的阁楼, but this won't matter if the bathroom exhaust fan dumps warm moist air directly into the attic space. This could result in condensed water vapor freezing onto cold attic materials, which will eventually thaw creating wet attic materials resulting in damage in the attic and inside the home.
  • Minimize ceiling mounted fixtures below the attic that create the need for holes in the drywall or plaster ceiling. Properly seal ceiling penetrations to make them airtight taking care to follow manufacturer clearance requirements for flues, 烟囱和嵌入式灯具.
  • 研究 shows keeping the attic air temperature below freezing when the outside air temperature is in the low 20s can reduce the occurrence of ice dams. 适当的阁楼通风 保持阁楼凉爽的关键是什么, while adequate and properly installed insulation is key to keeping your house warm. It is critical to keep soffit vents free from obstructions to allow the natural flow of cool outside air into the attic space to replace the warmer attic air that rises and flows outside the ridge and/or roof vents. 这种空气流动将使阁楼保持凉爽,没有潮气积聚.

清除屋顶上的冰雪是一项危险的工作. Avoid injury by hiring a professional to remove snow and ice from the roof and fix the problem before it leads to property damage and expensive repairs. 这里有一些建议要记住.

  • 添加 阁楼的隔热层 to help prevent your home's warm air from escaping into unheated attic spaces.
  • If 更换你家的屋顶, have a self-sealing membrane installed under the shingles to help prevent water damage from ice dams.
  • On 金属屋顶,在入口上方安装防雪板.


虽然尝试快速解决这个冰坝可能很诱人, don't get too eager; not only is it dangerous on your roof, 但你也会造成很多伤害, 尤其是在寒冷的月份. 这里有一些需要考虑的事情.

  • Do not routinely remove snow from the roof or attempt to "chip away"the ice of an ice dam. 这可能会导致瓦板损坏.
  • Do not install large mechanical equipment or water heaters in attics, especially in cold climates. 它们不仅存在不受欢迎的火灾隐患, 但它们也会增加你阁楼的温度.
  • 不经常使用盐或氯化钙来融化屋顶上的雪吗. 这些化学物质具有很强的腐蚀性,可以缩短金属排水沟的寿命, 落水管和闪光. Runoff that contains high concentrations of these chemicals can damage nearby grass and plants.


  • Follow up with your new home or home-improvement contractor to be sure that insulation in the attic space is adequate for your location.
  • Verify soffit and roof or ridge venting exists for all roof planes and that soffit vents are neither blocked by attic insulation nor covered by newly installed maintenance free finishes outside the home.
  • 验证所有穿透, access panels and electrical fixtures are properly sealed and insulated to prevent heat and moisture from entering the attic space, 同时保持制造商要求的间隙.
  • 确认所有排气扇和烘干机通风口都排到室外.
  • 保持排水沟里的树叶干净 和其他碎片. 这并不一定能阻止冰坝, but clean gutters can help drain away ice melt as it makes its way to the gutters during a thaw.
  • Follow up a short-term ice dam remedy with determining and fixing the actual cause to your ice dam problem. 向值得信赖和有能力的专业人士咨询.

如果你的家在这个冬天遭受了损坏,请联系你的家庭 国营农场® 代理 看看它是否在你的 房主的政策. 查看更多 冬季家居保养小贴士 在这里.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 国营农场® (including 国营农场 Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.











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