

While helping your teen plan, parents can advise about safe driving on the big night.

4月, May 和 June are the time of the year w在这里 high school students celebrate by attending proms 和 graduation parties. 随着这些庆祝时刻的临近, it's a great opportunity for families to have conversations around safety as their teen drivers get behind the wheel.

汽车mobile crashes continue to be the leading cause of death among teenagers. 根据 公路安全pp王者电子官网协会, teen driver crash rates are nearly 4 times more frequent that those ages 20 or over. 此外, 国家伤害预防与控制中心 states that crash injuries were one of the leading causes of death in teenagers 13 to 19 of age.

从历史上看,春季会带来 分心驾驶意识全球青少年交通安全 个月. This time of year provides a great opportunity for families to talk about the following tips for being safe on the roadways.


  • 与其他家长沟通. Speak directly with any parents supervising after-parties your teen will attend since some parents may allow underage drinking.
  • 谈论(不)喝酒/吸毒. 根据 反对酒驾母亲协会(MADD),许多孩子转向他们的 家长指导 在喝酒. 和你的孩子谈谈如何应对同伴压力, the dangers/repercussions of underage drinking 和 driving, 使用非法物质, 和 contacting you for a ride in situations involving drugs 和 alcohol.
  • 提供乘车选择. If a group insists on traveling together to prom 和 numerous graduation parties, 和其他家长谈谈租豪华轿车的事. 这样就没人开车了. 如果不在预算之内的话, 主动提出自己开车送他们, or research other public transportation options in your community.
  • 晚会来找你了吗. 自己计划, adult-supervised, 在你家举行不含毒品和酒精的派对, 学校或当地社区中心.
  • 树立榜样. 你不能总待在车里, but you can keep safety top-of-mind by demonstrating 和 enforcing habits like wearing a seat belt, 开车时不使用手机, following the speed limit 和 driving with your eyes on the road, 两只手放在方向盘上.


  • 做一个安全的乘客. 对新司机来说,乘客分心是很危险的. 一定要尊重司机,不要大声说话, 用手机聊天, 大声播放音乐, 或者破坏性的行为. 分心驾驶是交通事故的主要原因, 和 passenger distractions are particularly dangerous for new drivers.
  • 在你变焦之前先梳理一下. 在该走之前, take one last look in the mirror 和 make sure you're looking good so nothing takes your focus off the road while driving.
  • 好好休息一下. 因为很多派对一直持续到凌晨, make sure you get plenty of sleep leading up to the big day, or ask your parents to pick you up so you 和 your friends don't have to drive tired. Fatal car crashes involving teens happen significantly more at night.
  • 设定限制. 限制……的数量 和你一起骑车的朋友. 根据 美国公路安全pp王者电子官网协会studies show that the presence of passengers in a 车辆 increases the risk of accidents 和 crashes. Over half of teen passenger deaths are in incidents with teen drivers.
  • 不要喝酒/吸毒和开车. 未满21岁饮酒是违法的, 和 alcohol 和 driving should never mix no matter your age. This goes for using drugs 和 other illegal substances as well.
  • 安全带是完美的配件. A little wrinkle in your dress, tux or graduation gown is hardly worth not buckling up for. 系好安全带 can save your life 和 keep you from getting seriously injured. 另外,这是法律!

在州立农场找到这些建议和更多® 青少年驾驶安全 page, 和 always encourage your teen to make positive choices while driving.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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